Saturday, 15 June 2013

The absolute worst things that fling me into the depths of despair: this is a serious list.

(I wrote this in the middle of essay season... can you tell?)
  • When I forget to water the plants for months on end and then I sit on the swing in my backyard. It's haunted by their lingering souls, parched and unloved.
  • When Tony Abbott is almost definitely going to be PM.
  • When I want to tell people that I love Tolstoy more than life itself but can't because I haven't finished War and Peace and really, the only book of his that I've actually read is Anna Karenina
  • When I realise how many basic words I still struggle to spell, like vacuum (one c? two?)
  • When I imagine small puppies falling in the gap between the train and platform (every time I get off)
  • When the ticket machine swallows my ticket at Town Hall and won't give it back. I paid $2.50 for that!
  • When I get the grouchy old woman driving the 642X though I was expecting Rory
  • When I procrastinate essays
  • When I think about what we're doing to the environment but the zombie apocalypse (which will make it better by destroying all the factories) hasn't come yet
  • When my mum tells me to clean my room
  • When my mum doesn't tell me to clean my room... and does it herself *worst* 
  • When I imagine one of my grandparents dying and not being there

Less serious problems:

  • When I realise Changi airport doesn't excite me any more and I must be growing up
  • When I come to terms with the fact that I will never have pretty feet. Feet are really important to me.
  • When I wonder if my friends will all scatter with the wind in a few years and get jobs in far off places. Or, if I will. 
  • When I really want to be Vandana Shiva but I can't because she already exists GAH
  • When the alternative to Tony is Julia.
  • When the jasmine flowers wilt so quickly.
  • When I listen to Adele. I wasn't feeling angsty before... and suddenly I'm cursing everyone who ever broke my heart (mostly, fictional characters in books)

This post will probably grow with time. I hope you have a good day.