Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Sometimes I hope the 2012 apocalypse happens...

I've noticed a funny pattern over the last two years.

After my exams have finished and I can finally kick my feet up, I scuttle off and lose myself in the most amazing films and novels to spring from the human imagination.  Tralalaaa I'm flitting through the clouds with Tolstoy, Gandhi and Bridget Jones.

Then I come back to uni! As I attend lectures, open my thick-as-a-brick reader and read the news I'm pulled roughly back to earth with a dull thump. My big red balloon of idealism deflates... my mind screams: OH HUMANITY, YOU PATHETIC FUCKING TURD!

 It might sound like I'm being overly dramatic, and I usually am- but not in this case. I've been studying a lot of development-based subjects. "Civilised" society is sometimes so arrogant, gluttonous, and so far up its own arse... all coated in the frosty pink icing of "democracy". Once or twice I've been so shocked and overwhelmed that I can't finish the reading. It's not so much about random acts of barbarity but attitudes, totally misplaced priorities and the things that continue to smoulder under the surface.

I suppose I should go into a bit more detail what I'm talking about, but it will make me really upset and I need to go to bed. Also, I'm quite impressed by the shortness of this post :p