Friday 18 May 2012


I'm setting myself a challenge: 5 blog posts in 5 days. I also have two 40% essays (5000 words) to complete at the end of these five days. They were actually due a few days ago, but the Arts department at USyd is delightfully generous with extensions. Dunno, just a challenge for challenge's sake.
beloved fruit sticker collection...
apparently it's gone now :(

One day, I was trawling over very old pictures on bookface. It's been two and a half years since I left high school and sometimes I wonder how that much time has flown by so quickly. And then I look at these photos and it feels like a lifetime ago! I miss it very much, when I think back to how comfortable and simple life was. That said, I reeeally wouldn't want to go back to my 16 year old self... you will see why shortly


funny things we did with Jacyntha's hair

our swinging "masquerade" party in year 11

awww! Rai's birthday

LOL I'm so sorry Mansi, couldn't resist
Sorry Ryen couldn't resist either...
old... but gold

Star Trek English ext. expedition =]

fun times in chemistry

Chilling on the lawn.
This picture (along with the group photo and sticker
collection)  epitomises everything I love about high school.

Spot the Eastern European :p
magical bread models... for some
reason, this was incredibly funny at the time

not even sure what I thought I was doing here...
or here...

or indeed here

 But I'm much more refined now, I promise

Dork. But somehow, I feel that everyone should be that way in school... you have more fun.
 I'm realising (gently prodded by someone who mentions it at least once every time we meet) how much I've changed. My entire worldview has completely shifted and I'm quite sure that if I met my teenaged self now, we would not be seeing eye to eye. I think I'd actually hate her. It's a worn cliche but  university has opened me up to the world; not only through formal edjikashun, but I've also met so many interesting people with diverse such views.

Two and a half years ago, I would not have been falling in love with (eh... mild crush) random French hippies I met on the street. Indeed, I would definitely not have spent hour after hour watching youtube clips of a former alcoholic drug and sex addicted, batshit crazy comedian:

Russell Brand! oooooooo

AND then bought his Booky Wook 2. While the above is true, he's also incredibly funny, attractive, vegetarian, spontaneous, refreshingly honest and darned smart. I like.